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Inspiration: Devotionals

I am habitual.

I like my morning sun rises, but the overcast skies are indulgently delightful.

I love iced water in the morning, but on occasion I will mix that up with an English Toffee cappuccino.

There I will sit in my office chair (my one place of true seclusion) and read the bible. I always do something that is common thread in my life.

Devotional reading.

There is something so igniting when I couple a Bible reading with a devotion for the day. I love how they connect to a feeling, making me dig deeper in my purpose. Sometimes the devotions are a breath of fresh air after a passage that seems to wreck my spiritually. Other times, its a heavy dose of conviction and a chance to just abide with God.

So, it was only fitting that I have a mini round up of some of my top devotionals. Below are about three different kinds that I like to read off and on during my weeks.


If you haven't heard of Shauna Niequist I implore you to go read her books. I am quite smitten by her writing style and what she discusses. Savor is an amazing devotional full of recipe ideas as well as good soul food.


I love Sarah Young's Jesus Calling devotional. It's very empowering and encouraging. The devotionals are written as if God is speaking to your soul. Calling you towards a greater purpose. Along with each devotional for the day is scripture to tie into the message.


Lastly, let me mention our own C. Marie's devotional as well. With her colorful illustrations and graphic design brings forth a new sense of devotional. Her poetry is astounding and her encouragement is beautifully light-hearted.

Do you have some great devotionals you use daily in your life?

How do you incorporate them into your daily time with God?

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