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Not my idea of peace

It feels like we are stuck in the valley,

our feet firmly wedged in the mud.

Trying to move but God whispers "still your heart my child, this is my timing."

Key point. It's a whisper.

You're not here on the world to be on everyone else's timeline of success.

It's difficult to see movement all around you while your feet are stuck,

unable to move.

Why are you so discomforted in the stillness?

We scream for a break, but when we get it we can't relax.

God makes good on the promises of a chilled moment,

but we cannot just be still.

We want it on our terms.

We want the stillness in the form of glory and provision,

but we are too muted to see what that means.

It looks like supernatural, it feels familiar and new.

God is our parents.

He knows us through and through.

As a parent, he knows what calm we need, what peace we seek

before we even do.

Yet we fight against it because our expectations for the situation haven't been meant,

we utter the words "this is not the peace I wanted for this"

I didn't want peace like this...

But what do we truly know,

if we are still children?

For God's love is good love,

our ways need to match his.

So we can un-mute ourselves,

and let His Glory reign within.

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