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June Favorites

The ending of June has tiptoed past us like a quiet child. We are nearing the beginnings of whimsical July, patriotic flags and dripping popsicles. Our wrap up from our Anxiety series wouldn't be complete without some favorites to help rejuvenate and inspire you. We are all about sharing our ways of seeing beauty, and this month wouldn't be complete without a bit of travel of our current favorites.

So link arm and arm with us and take a quiet stroll through what we are loving this month.

(Photos Courtesy of Amazon)

A stunning collection of the Gospel sets: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Each one is a book on it's own, with stunning photography along with scripture. It's peeked our interest dearly and we are hoping to acquire a few soon. We love this take on blending beautiful images with God's message, and we applaud Alabaster for doing just that.

(Photo Courtesy of Amazon)

We've had our eyes on this bible for a while now. This beautiful bible comes in a variety of colors not to mention fabric covers as well. Along with the scripture are devotionals, beautiful images, timelines, maps, and reading plans that help you dig deeper into the word. We love this spin as well on the Bible and are thrilled to see a Bible look so elegant and be packed full with helpful goodness.

(To Mothers- by Nikkol. God is love- by Amanda Jane Jones. Photos Courtesy of Latter-Day Home)

As artist and creatives we have deep appreciation on the power of art in the homes. These two lovelies fit the bill for our homes. We love the minimalist yet beauty of these two prints from Latter-Day Homes. Not only do they sell artwork but they also sell home decor as well. We are smitten with these beauties and love browsing on our down time.

(Photo Courtesy of Garmentory)

We love us good pair of shoes, and since we are entering the territory of spring turning to summer, we thought these beauties fit the bill. Made in Italy, these lovely slides are a bit of a wedge, a bit of child like love with a pom pom and beautiful rich colors. Personally, I am in love with the mustard color as it has a bit of mint blue with the pom pom.

(Photo Courtesy of Food52)

If you haven't traveled over to Food52 we highly suggest checking it out. Not only is this a place for great recipes and beautiful stories, but it also has it's own market. Food52 also carries every gadget you need for your kitchen as well as selected pantry items and goodies to relish. We have had our eyes on these french made candies from Boissier.

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